(ENG) This is list of great trips you can do around Monterrey. We love those mountains! We hike them, we dont give up in search for water to swimm, we like architecture and getting to know everything interesting. We hate shopping. This is what we colected and most of it also visited. Those I did are on my blog, I plan to add those my husband did as well, but I need him to help me, so it takes time :-) Most of it we did with our daughter in the belly or up to her 2 years.
(CZ) Když jsme přijeli do Monterrey, bylo to pro nás nudné město, protože jsme neznali, kam se tu dá jet strávit víkend. Zde je seznam výletů, které jsme dali dohromady. Většinu jsme podnikli, nebo ještě chceme podniknout. Kde jsem byla, z toho je příspěvek na blogu, kde byl manžel sám, z toho bude příspěvek, až ho dáme do kupy. Milujeme hory, lezeme na ně, nevzdáváme se hledání koupacích lokalit, máme rádi architekturu a poznávání všeho zajímavého. Neradi nakupujeme. Většinu jsme podnikli s dcerou, v těhotenství nebo do jejích dvou let.
Chipinque, El Piňal - nice picnic, walk / morning hike, kids friendly
eMe 1, eMe 2 - all day hike, no kids
Chupón - short hike
Mitras, Pico Perico - all day hike - very difficult, no kids
Teleférico, Antenas - all day hike
Cerro de la Silla - all day hike to Pico Note - very difficult, no kids
Cascadas de Guadalupe - nice walk, morning hike
Huasteca: Presa Rompepicos, Caňon Santa Catarina, Las Guitaritas - car sightseeing / moto
La Estanzuela - all day hike and swimm/soak in stream, kids friendly
Capilla Schoenstatt - chapel with viewpoint reachable by car or morning hike, kids friendly
Cola de Caballo - touristic spot, waterfall, by car, kids friendly
Santiago - lunch place, nice town
Bioparque Estrella - all day, safari, kids friendly
Ciénega de Gonzáles, Salto de Santa Catarina, Paso de Lobos, Laguna de Sánchez - 1-2 days trip through the mountains with nice walk/ATW
Las Adjuntas - all day swimm/soak in stream, good car needed
Matacanes, Hydrofobia - 1-2 days adrenalin experience, no kids, or one day "al salmon"
Cascada del Chipitín - all day trip, moto/ATW, swimm
Potrero Redondo - all day trip, moto/ATW
El Pajonal - all day trip, moto/ATW
Rayones - 1-2 day trip, moto/ATW
Cebolla - 2 day trip, moto/ATW
Grutas de García, Xenpal - all day trip (2 half day trips) to a cave and a small zoo, kids friendly
Cueva Ahumada - half-day trip to prehistoric petroglyphs
Boca de Potrerillos - half-day trip to prehistoric petroglyphs
Potrero Chico - all day trip, climbing paradise, pools
Termas de San Joaquín, La Azufrosa - 1-2 days hot springs, kids friendly
Bustamante - all day swimm and cave, kids friendly
Sabinas Hidalgo, Parque La Turbina - afternoon swimm
Parras de la Fuente, Casa Madero - 2 days sightseeing + vineyards
Dunas de Yeso, Cuatro Ciénegas - 2 days sightseeing, white sand, swimm
Las Dunas de Bilbao - 2 days sightseeing, white sand
Saltillo - 1-2 days, city sightseeing, museums, shopping
Arteaga - all day trip, sightseeing, shopping, kids friendly
San Antonio de las Alazanas, Monte Real, Mesa de las Tablas, Cabaňas La Moneda, La Marta - 1-2-3 days, mountain vilages, hike
La Viga - all day hike, no kids
Galeana, Puente de Dios, Pozo del Gavilán - 2-3 days sightseeing, mountain town
Real de Catorce - 2-3 days sightseeing, horse riding in mountains, ruins, ghost town
Presa El Cuchillo - all day, boat trip, barbecue
Chepe train from Chihuahua to Pacífico (Los Mochis or Los Cabos)
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